I had to forgive someone who wasn’t even sorry. That’s not being soft that’s called strength.
Pages of my dairy fill with the pain and tears from All the hurting my soul is going through. I Melisa live to tell a story of edges of how blood makes people relatives but loyalty makes them one family.

Being raised by not so loving parents seemed to always bring out the best in me, because even if we don’t admit it, having little support makes you struggle alittle more to see yourself through life so that your children may not go through what you went through being brought up.

But then again, what if the person you want to make life better for is not even worth the struggle? I’m not saying I’m ungrateful but with so much resentment how can I genuinely help you out when I’m in a limbo you created for me. You snatched my life away from me. So how can I help you and yet you destroyed me.? But I remember there’s something called forgiveness.

In one way they say that time heals all wounds. That with time you’ll forget, you’ll heal and life will get better. How true is this? ? I tend to think it’s one hundred percent true, but hey this is just my own opinion. Pain changes people. This is a truth that cannot be denied. The truth can be avoided but not denied. A human is psychologically created to endure pain. No matter how sweet and pure and noble your heart is, you’ll meet disappointments, you’ll meet people who will crush you, people who bring your future dreams to an extinction, people who will hate you for absolutely no reason. And it’s normal, it’s very much normal because you are human. You will hurt, you will cry, you will be broken, depressed and all those sad emotions you hear of, you will experience them. Let it hurt, let it bleed,let it heal and let it go. I know they say that every action deserves an equal reaction, but then again, what is better, to hold the resentment or to let it go and live In peace?

As much tempting as revenge may be. You don’t need to. You’re a better human than that.

You are human and when you decide to go get back at someone, you just openly give us a definition of who you are. That you’re mean. That you can make another person’s life uncomfortable for them for the bad they did to you as long as it makes you feel good or happy . It shows how little you value human worth. It’s you making life a gamble, of do me wrong I’ll hurt you or pay back in return. There’s more to life than just being angry at another person and wasting soo many days being sad and sobbing that you could be smiling. . . How much does forgiveness cost? ?? Because seriously I feel like I would offer It to everyone, so that I can attain the perfect picture of a peaceful and loving home ((my continent) ) …. But someone’s voice plays in my head reminding me that perfection cannot be achieved.

I stand to be corrected. This future I do not accept it. We can redirect this. How you ask? ?

Learn forgiveness. It costs nothing to just forgive someone who did you wrong. You know why it costs nothing, because someone already paid a price for that atonement done. If God’s son carried everyone’s sins In order for God, Allah, The creator, Almighty, to forgive us, then holding resentment is so much so a sin. You cannot be the jurisdiction of someone whose fault was already paid for.
Eight years ago I left my home because it was what I would call an unfit environment for my development and growth. I do not hold any resentment towards my parents for the choices they made, I opt to forgive and forget for maybe it was just a moment of human weakness.

I had barely finished my schooling. I was two years away from my graduation. One afternoon, after my last class, I received a call from my mother saying that she needed me home urgently. Because she is my parent I would definitely rush home to see what was wrong for the call seemed urgent. I packed a few clothes after reaching my house and hopped on the next immediate bus that would take me home, for I would hate it if anything went wrong and I hadn’t arrived yet.

An hour later or so, I was a few steps from home. My paces gradually increased and finally i arrived home. Anxiety was getting better of me because it had been such a long time since I had gone home. I summoned courage and went in.

Met by new faces plus my parents, I was for a moment releaved that nothing was wrong. After greeting everyone I took a sit. My mother without wasting time introduced us all. This was quite unusual because she hardly used to do this. William and Daniel, two foreign men in our house. For a moment i thought they were here for business or something close to that, but the moment my father begun to speak, I almost wished the earth would swallow me whole.

My own father, biological father was giving me out for marriage at twenty years to a 50 year old guy without even my consent. I wished that it was all a dream. I took couple sips of water to bring myself to awakening. But gues what?

That was the truth of it all. My parents, my own blood parents chose money over my education, over my life, over my choices, over my dreams which I had constantly shared with them. So tell me how do you get back from this?? How do you begin accepting the only decision made being presented to you.

You know it hurt so much that your own parents place a price over your head. Its like they’ve lost all hope in you. Its like you’ve become the broken branch of a tree that needs to be done away with. It pained me so much.

Didn’t they Care about my education? Didn’t they want me to progress and have my own life? ? Was I of no value to them? Were they that desperate? Is this what life had in store for me? I had countless nights of sleep, my life had come to a stand still. But thanks to the friend I had, she strengthened me to get over it.
After sometime, I noticed that resentment was beginning to build up in my heart. I began to hate the people who brought me to this world, and that wasn’t right.

But what was the gain of the resentment? NOTHING. I repeat NOTHING.

After sometime of constantly reading the Bible, I came across this verse, ((Mark:11:25)) – Forgive them even If they are not sorry. I had to forgive them, because life becomes easy when you learn to accept an apology you never got.

Don’t let people upset you anymore. Its not worth it. If at anyone point you feel you need to hurt someone the same way they hurt you, remember that there is a God somewhere who doesn’t sleep and sees everything you’ve been through. Everything you’ve gone through and still is going through. Leave it to God because he knows, judgement and revenge is not for you. ((philippians 4:6))-in nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your request known to God. Sometimes the battles are not for you to fight. Thank God that you met and have such people in your life, that build up your faith in Him even more. ((Psalms 55:22))-cast your burden to God and He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be moved. People that remind you to error is human and to forgive Is devine.

Am I bugging to someone ? Is anyone listening to me? Or am I just seeing things that no one else can see?? If no one has told you, I’m here to do so. You were put on this earth for so many reasons, being disrespected and looked down upon by people is not one of them.

Forget the hurt, forgive and let it go. Learn to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect or self worth.

God himself says in Joel 2:25-God can restore what is broken and change it into something amazing. All you need is faith.

If, on a single day, you suddenly came alive and chose to express who you truly are and to pursue what you truly desire of this life, let that day be today.

Forgive the people who hurt you emotionally, Those who destroyed you physically, forgive those who told you that you won’t make It in life, forgive those people who turned others against you, forgive those who hate you for no reason, forgive those parents who disappointed you instead of supporting you, forgive that life partner who left you after making a million promises, forgive that friend who promised to always hold your hand but left when things got tough, forgive everyone that brought hate resentment into your life, let it go and enjoy your life. Because you cannot change someone who doesn’t see an issue in their action.

You only live once, let the hurt go.



Good day.